Event FAQs
The Lawrence Times is thrilled to offer a community calendar. However, please be respectful of the info on this page.
These frequently asked questions have not been asked yet. We’re hoping to answer them ahead of time.
Last update: Sept. 9, 2021
Q: How does the calendar work?
A: On desktop: You can simply scroll, or search through events by typing in the text box in the top left corner. You can also click the colorful tags on each event to show only certain types, then clear the filter by clicking the X. Also, you can click on options in the top right corner to switch between pinboard, agenda (default) and monthly calendar views.
On mobile: You can simply scroll through events, or click on the three little lines in the top right corner of the events section to open up a menu and search field. Search through events by typing in the text box that appears. Or, if you tap the date, you can flip through dates on the calendar. You can also click the colorful tags on each event to show only certain types, then clear the filter and look back at all events again by clicking the X. Click the down arrow in the top left corner to switch between pinboard, agenda (default) and monthly calendar views.
We’ve also included tags to show whether events are in person, if they have an online option and/or if they are online only. Please be aware that some events may change between when they’re added to our calendar and when they’re held.
Q: How do I submit an event?
A: Yay, thanks for asking! Click the green “Submit Event” button (on the dropdown menu on mobile; in the top right on desktop) and fill out the form. Here’s a giant green button:

The more work you can save us, the faster we’ll be able to post your event — please select the event tags that you think are appropriate (and not those that aren’t), and upload a rectangular image (i.e. wide, not tall) when you submit events. We do need an image for any event we post.
If you’re an event organizer or you’re responsible for a venue that holds events en masse, please reach out so we can figure out the most efficient way to get your events on our calendar.
Q: I just sent you six events 15 minutes ago and they’re still not online. What’s taking so long?
A: Hi thanks in advance for not asking questions with this sort of tone! 🙃 Our event submission form is instant, and we anticipate that we’ll be able to review and publish submitted events within 24 hours most of the time. We will do our very best, but please remember that we are still a very small staff trying to do a whole lot. Please also see the answer above.
Q: There’s stuff here tagged as a “one-time event,” but this is actually a speaker series that happens every month. Why?
A: Assuming it’s not the same speaker every month giving the same talk, we’re going to include that tag so that folks who want to get a quick glance at things that aren’t weekly meetings or other fairly regularly occurring things can do so.
“One-time events” may include monthly events that change significantly each month (such as a lecture series that includes a wide range of topics), annual events, etc. — and simply things that might appeal to different interests and people each time they occur, as opposed to some regular events that are fairly consistent from week to week.
Q: Hi! I lived in Lawrence until I was 6 and then moved away, but I’m hosting a dinner party next week in Denver. May I list that event with The Lawrence Times?
A: Sorry, no.
Although we don’t want to be too picky and we want to share this platform with as many people and groups as we can, we have to draw the line before it becomes an issue: Submissions of events that are held outside of Douglas County, Kansas, will not be added to our calendar unless they very directly involve, benefit and/or celebrate Lawrence groups/people.
If it’s close enough to the edges of the county that we have to Google it to figure out whether you are in Douglas County, we might be a little more flexible. Especially if you’re in a news desert.
Q: A pro-dog group is holding a rally next week and you let them include it on your calendar. I am very much a cat person and I strongly disagree with the pro-dog political stance. Explain yourselves.
A: Not every event is going to please everybody — sorry. Unless the dogs are holding a rabies party or some such, we’ll probably list their events. We will be glad to include your pro-cat events, too (again, with reasonable exceptions)!
Q: I’m holding a ticketed event. Tickets start at $500, plus a mandatory $700 donation at the door. May I list it?
A: We’re going to go ahead and set a cutoff: If some standard-price adult tickets are available for $50 or less, we’ll list it free. If it’s more than that for a fundraiser, submit it and we can talk about it. If it’s more than that for some other reason, let’s talk about ad options.
Q: I run an awesome bar and we have these amaaaazing drink specials every night of the week forever. May we list those?
A: Thank you but no thank you. We’ll be happy to include special events, though.
Q: Where’s the fine print?
A: Right here: We’re not responsible for cancellations or postponements, or for anyone denied entry to any event for any reason. We reserve the right to delete events from the calendar and/or decline submissions for any reason.
Have questions that aren’t listed here? (No surprise. This was kind of put together at the last minute.) Please get in touch.